Flow Chart
A flow chart is a pictorial representation showing all the steps in a process. Rather than just using arrows and boxes, it uses conventional symbols to represent different activities or tasks. These symbols can convey more meaning and assist with analysis. For example:
- Who is making decisions and about what?
- How many pieces of paper are generated in different places for one process?
- Where unexpected delays are occurring?
Flow chart symbols:
Arrow - Connects all the symbols and shows the direction of flow of the process. |
Rectangle - Indicates a task or step in the process. Usually only one arrow should come out of a task rectangle. If there is more than one arrow, a diamond or question symbol may be needed instead. |
Oval - Indicates the beginning and end of the process. |
Diamond - Indicates a yes/no question must be asked or a decision has to be made. |
Semi-oval - Indicates a delay in process. |
Rectangle with wavy base - Indicates a document is produced. |
A flow chart can be used to design and refine procedures, locate bottlenecks and train staff.